
Many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen.

What differences or dangers does the society face in depending on working in front of computer screens rather than on engaging in   personal contact which in general is the main meaning of communication? 

Nowadays many people p especially young mothers p take advantage of the possibility of working at home. Telecommuting is possible because of the technological progress in the last years. The new technology makes communication easier in today’s world. It’s not necessary anymore to have face-to-face contact with a client or the colleges. Everything can be done at home just by using the internet, the phone, the fax and E-mail. At first sight this way of gaining money is good and easy. Maybe telecommuting is even better than having face-to-face contact but if you take a closer look you will see that there are also dangers.

Like I said before p telecommuting seems to be a good way of working especially for young mothers who want to stay close to her child and take care of them. But not only mothers take advantage of this possibility. In my opinion childless telecommuter are easier affected by the dangers of telecommuting because if they have no good reason (like mothers have their child they want to take care of) they get isolated of the society more easily. And that’s the main disadvantage of telecommuting. You don’t have to go to a carrel because everything can be done at home. You don’t talk to colleges or to clients you just sit isolated and alone at home in your little office and do want you have to do. In this case I want to point out that by working in an office you don’t get isolated that easily. In an office you have colleges which you are maybe friends with and which tell you to go home in the evening and stuff like that. That’s not the case by telecommuting! You have to tell yourself when you have to stop and go out and have some fun. If you get too concentrated on your work because you think you have to do everything in one step p you neglect your friends. In one way you can say that telecommuters are in one way the prisoners of the progress.

Telecommuting is also very bad for the society because the “real” way of communication gets lost. People will lose the feeling for talking to people. Of course they are jobs you can’t to by telecommuting  p like a shop assistant  p but in my opinion p if the progress develops faster in some years we won’t have any more shop assistants.

In conclusion you can say that in some cases we are prisoners of the progress and if it gets worse this progress will have bad influence for society.

Good job Ramona! Be careful with prepositions and gerund.