Are school uniforms useful?

Introduction? State the question again, lead your reader to the question.

I think they are not useful. There are some arguments for the school uniform and some against it. First I will write about the arguments for the uniform: School uniforms make the pupils equal and no one will be mobbed because of one’s bad clothes. So you can’t see who is rich and who is not. Also pupils will identify themselves more with their school if they have got school uniforms with the school’s emblem. This will unify the pupils and they’ll have more respect of their school. Now I come to the contra arguments: School uniforms are expensive. Either the school, the state p has to pay or the pupils, their parents p have to pay for them. And here you’ll find the same difference the school uniform wants to cover. Namely p the poor can’t buy uniforms or maybe just one, so if it’s dirty everybody can see that the family is poor. Besides p with the school uniforms the pupils can’t have their own style and that’s part of identify of humans: Their own clothing style. Because of this reasons I’m against school uniforms.

2 Kommentare:

Captain Cook hat gesagt…

Really interesting topic! But I don't agree with you. I don't really undestand your argument that schooluniforms are too expensive, because if you wear your uniform half the day you have to buy less "normal" clothing, so you don't have to spend more money!
For sure people want to show their new cloths and decide on their own what they want to wear each morning, but it's even easier if you don't have to think about what wearing today.

by Lara

Alison hat gesagt…

The way of thinking ( the arguments you write )is very comprehensible but your formal writing is a bit childish. Keep on working =)