Slavery- summary


[lat. sclavus- dependet human]
It is in contrast to the bondage an enduring condition of dependence and of

ownership of a slave. (This meens that the owner/ holder (also known as the "master") was entitled to sell some of his slaves or even to kill them).
Slavery began in ancient times and in Asian regions it was known since roughly 2300 B.C. .
Most slaves were prisoners of war or hoboes.
They were used for hard work or as cheap workers. Also in Greece and in Holy Roman Empire slavery and slave trade were very important. In the Middle Ages slavery was rampant mostly in the islamic states, while in modern times slaves were transpored from Africa to America, to work there on plantations. After French Revolution many of the European states began to abolish slavery in their colonies. In the USA, where 4 million black slaves lived in the middle of the 19th century, the abolishment of slavery was the trigger for the American Civil War.
Here are two videos (The second is in another language [russian] and from the movie "Good buy, uncle Tom". The two men carry on negotations with each other about the slaves. One of them says that the slaves get maize and salad to eat. At the end the man wants to sell one slave for 150 Dollar. The other man agrees and takes four slaves , just saying "harascho", what means "okay, good")

@ Mrs. Koch: Thanks for correcting my text! There were some really stupid mistakes : D. I looked up some of these word, like pulper or something like that. ( Well, now I think that this isn't a so good online-dictionary, is it?

1 Kommentare:

Captain Cook hat gesagt…

Yes, leo is good for looking up individual words if you don't understand the English word. For using it the other way around, to get German words in English, you need to also look at the 'i' - where the word is explained. Even better, an English- English dictionary so you can check how it is used, different 'collocations' for that word.