Are Healer's in GW's PvE easier to play than in PvP

In PvE - especially in hardmode - the enemies are at a level far above yours. Thus they can deal a lot more damage than any character would ever be able to. But their parties are often very small - generally three to five monsters - and your party consists of eight players. Also most mobs lack a monk or their monks are poorly protected. So pressuring them down is often no problem and after the monk is dead the rest of the mob is no better than any normal mob. So as a healer in PvE you don't have to be prepared for long fights and therefore don't need a good mana-management. Also because mobs die earlier the summed up damage is less than the damage dealt in a PvP fight because the fights there last a lot longer.
In both types of playing you have to pay attention and be aware of what's happening. But in PvP you can not predict how the enemies will play, unlike in PvE.
In PvP you have longer fights because enemy parties have monks, too. Therefore you need a good mana-management and shouldn't spam your skills or produce over-heal. Also the enemy party may try to spike your team-members. So you have to pay a lot more attention than in PvE. Another point is that you need protection because monks are melees' favourite targets.
So I think playing a healer in PvP is a lot more exciting and if you ever played healer in PvP, PvE will seem quite boring to you.

4 Kommentare:

Toilet Sheep hat gesagt…

I only partly agree with your opinion. Healers in PvP are given standard healer builds which always work, whereas in PvE you might have to think about your situation and adapt yourself to master it.
Additionally while you might have 3 or 4 people spiking a target so you have to react quickly in PvP, 2 foes in PvE might deal the same or even more damage.
I think PvE healers are only really easy to play because the use of PvE skills and tanks decreases the needed amount of healing.

Horst der Erste !!!!! hat gesagt…

yeah, i think not that healers in pvp are a lot more exciting, because you can nuke your blockers and rush them to your flamestation. so you can cast your bonecrasher and blush them out.
lg torben

Dominik hat gesagt…

I just can´t follow you. But i´ve got an advice for you--------don´t play computergames so often, because people like you are endangered to become a gunman .

Toilet Sheep hat gesagt…

You may be the HA pro-Backbreaker-sin but you obviously lack knowledge of healerbuilds. Healers heal, they don't nuke. Nuking deals damage, healers counter this by healing.
PS: I hate the abbreviation "lg" -.-