The great white shark

The great white shark lives mostly around the USA. In a recent study, great white sharks from California were shown to migrate to an area between Baja California and Hawaii known as White Shark Café, where they spend at least 100 days of the year before they migrate back to Baja.

This animal is in average 4 meters to 5 meters tall but it's final size is 8 meters and they reach a weight up to 3.5 tonns. Its snaps are up to 18000 Newton and stronger. What i want to say is that if you'll got bitten you'll lose a body part very fast. Like a knife through butter.

The consistence of its food varies from time to time. So they eat invertebrate -, blastocyst animals, teleost fish, cartilage fish and birds.

The white shark takes human with black swimming cloths for seals and tries to eat that. All in all sharks don't dislike humans they either mix that up or they just try to hold the human so they don't want to kill em. It's just curiosity.

California - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (aka Governator) 

The Austrian ex-actor (for example “Terminator”) is a member of the republican party. He has been interested in politics for a long time. Schwarzenegger was appointed Chairman of the Presidents council on physical fitness and sports by George H.W. Bush from 1990 to 1993. This was his first job as a politician. He was elected as the Governor of California on October 7, 2003. This is very rare in California and it hasn't happened for a long time because California is generally very liberal. 

His domestic policies are very conservative, for example he supports death penalty, for which he receives a lot of critics from abroad. He's also known for his radical immigration politics. Many politicians, especially Mexicans dislike him for this reason and he is often called a racist. However, even in California he's not totally accepted, mainly because he promised to solve the financial problems and hasn't achieved this goal yet. 
It is very unusual for a republican, but he is very active in the area of environmental protection. He takes environmental protection very seriously and wants to switch from fossil to renewable energy sources to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and thereby stopping global warming. He has signed a treaty from the UN to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. This treaty states that by the year 2050 there shall be only 20% of the emission compared to the year 1990.
Personally we approve his environmental policy, but don't support his radical immigration policy.

Going abroad

At the moment many students want to go abroad for one school year. Most of them are going to the U.S.A.
In my opinion it is interesting to discuss this topic.
So the question is whether you think it´s good to go abroad or not.
Many students want to get to know another culture like the motto
" When in Rome, do as the Romans do!" says.
It´s important to learn the spoken language in this country more detailed.
After a year abroad your knowledge in the spoken language there is much better than before because you have to speak this language all the time.
Additionally you learn something for your life. You aren´t at home, you have to adapt yourself to your host family and the new surroundings.
You have to manage many things on your own.
You have to get to know other people and you learn how it is to be without your family and your friends.
But you have to mention also negative arguments.
Going abroad is not something for everybody.
Maybe if you are not good in school you have to repeat a form or you have to catch up
on the stuff you missed in your year abroad.
Usually the schools in other countries have another school system.
Finally not everybody can manage a new living situation. Maybe they miss their family and friends too much or they don´t like their new family.
You have to decide on your own if you like to go abroad and if you are ready for something like that.
I would say that going abroad would be a wonderful experience.

Good arguments, good structure! Don't start a new paragraph after each argument - try to rearrange in paragraphs that make sense.

Flying. Good or bad?

Many people discuss the problem of flying.
There are two different sides of view:
the one part of the people says that it's not good to fly, because if you once fly from Frankfurt to Berlin, you could also drive your car for a whole year, it would be the same pollution.
Flying is really bad for the environment, because it pollutes the air.
Of course there are also good sides in flying, because it's really fast and you can go everywhere you want to in a really short time.
And there are also places where you can't go by car.
I think if people would only fly far distances and not these unnessesairy short ones, it would be okay.
But in flying these short distances, they destroy our world. And we have only one of them.


A bit short!

Homework: Dream job

There are two fields I could imagine to work in. The first is in the field of economy, or economical politics, because I´m interested in school in classes like civics and next year I´ll choose economy as a main subject. I think managing something in a company is a very ambitious and exciting job. Besides you earn a lot of money (but that´s not the most important point when searching for a job) and you are required to do a good job every day, otherwise maybe your company has to fire personnel some day.
The second field I see my future in is a science job. I´ve really got fun at school in classes like chemistry or physics, so if I had the chance to find work as a scientist I would even accept to work abroad. Having a long way to work would be no problem either. What I like about working as a scientist is that you´ve got a project and work every day to complete this in order to find new knowledge about nature or about diseases. Also I think this job would never become boring because you probably do something else every day.( experiments)
All in all I think a combination of these two things would be the best job for me, and the most important requirements for my dreamjob are that it is fun and I having friends at my working place. So my dream job is to work as an industrial engineer, because this covers both of the fields I´d like to work in.

I didn't quite understand what the remark about commuting is supposed to mean. Otherwise interesting thoughts! I mean that I would accept commuting to reach my dreamjob

english homework? To do or not do that's the question!

It's monday evening and I have lots of things to do. One of them is englisch homework. I have to post an essay on a blogg. So I started to think about not doing it. But then I redecided to do it and then again the opposite. I couldn't go up for one of them.
If I did my homework I would make a good impression and this is never useless.
But if I did my homework I would have less time for everything else and this is really bad. I also would use my keyboard up which allready isn't in a well condition.
Not-doing homework is risky. You've got a chance to get Xtra work. But this chance is so low so you could bring home the bacon (to bring home the bacon = es schaffen).
If I didn't do my homework, I would have much more time to do something else like eat hamburger, play computer games
with Tim and so on.
The best thing by not doing homework is you are not exhausted from doing it and you are not bored.

I think I won't post the essay. So I'll spend my time for something else instead.

Hey, I think you need to do your homework most of all because you need the practice! Stick to one tense (beginning). Nice twist in the last sentence.

sleep and school

is it good to sleep? we are sleeping one third of our life, just imagine what we could do, when we would not sleep. we would find a answer for the global warming one third of what? earlier! we could rescue the threadend rainforrest and threatend animals. we would rescue the world if we would not sleep!! but how do we have the time to rescue the world, when we are caught in school? so what i say is, no school and no sleep, so we have time to rescue the world, the rainforest,_animals and many other things!
but how, can we save the world, when we don´t sleep, and don´t go to school? we would be tired and dumb, so that we would never find a solution for our problems. but, like i just said, if we are tired, we wo´nt find a solution, isn´t exactly that what we are in school? we are tired! so, we can´t show all our knowledge, because we are too tired. so what does school gives to us? nothing, because we can´t think clearly! that´s because i say, no school, or not so early!!
greatings to my class!

Lots of typos, my friend! Too tired to look up a word or two?? Funny and witty overall!


Many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen.

What differences or dangers does the society face in depending on working in front of computer screens rather than on engaging in   personal contact which in general is the main meaning of communication? 

Nowadays many people p especially young mothers p take advantage of the possibility of working at home. Telecommuting is possible because of the technological progress in the last years. The new technology makes communication easier in today’s world. It’s not necessary anymore to have face-to-face contact with a client or the colleges. Everything can be done at home just by using the internet, the phone, the fax and E-mail. At first sight this way of gaining money is good and easy. Maybe telecommuting is even better than having face-to-face contact but if you take a closer look you will see that there are also dangers.

Like I said before p telecommuting seems to be a good way of working especially for young mothers who want to stay close to her child and take care of them. But not only mothers take advantage of this possibility. In my opinion childless telecommuter are easier affected by the dangers of telecommuting because if they have no good reason (like mothers have their child they want to take care of) they get isolated of the society more easily. And that’s the main disadvantage of telecommuting. You don’t have to go to a carrel because everything can be done at home. You don’t talk to colleges or to clients you just sit isolated and alone at home in your little office and do want you have to do. In this case I want to point out that by working in an office you don’t get isolated that easily. In an office you have colleges which you are maybe friends with and which tell you to go home in the evening and stuff like that. That’s not the case by telecommuting! You have to tell yourself when you have to stop and go out and have some fun. If you get too concentrated on your work because you think you have to do everything in one step p you neglect your friends. In one way you can say that telecommuters are in one way the prisoners of the progress.

Telecommuting is also very bad for the society because the “real” way of communication gets lost. People will lose the feeling for talking to people. Of course they are jobs you can’t to by telecommuting  p like a shop assistant  p but in my opinion p if the progress develops faster in some years we won’t have any more shop assistants.

In conclusion you can say that in some cases we are prisoners of the progress and if it gets worse this progress will have bad influence for society.

Good job Ramona! Be careful with prepositions and gerund.

Are Healer's in GW's PvE easier to play than in PvP

In PvE - especially in hardmode - the enemies are at a level far above yours. Thus they can deal a lot more damage than any character would ever be able to. But their parties are often very small - generally three to five monsters - and your party consists of eight players. Also most mobs lack a monk or their monks are poorly protected. So pressuring them down is often no problem and after the monk is dead the rest of the mob is no better than any normal mob. So as a healer in PvE you don't have to be prepared for long fights and therefore don't need a good mana-management. Also because mobs die earlier the summed up damage is less than the damage dealt in a PvP fight because the fights there last a lot longer.
In both types of playing you have to pay attention and be aware of what's happening. But in PvP you can not predict how the enemies will play, unlike in PvE.
In PvP you have longer fights because enemy parties have monks, too. Therefore you need a good mana-management and shouldn't spam your skills or produce over-heal. Also the enemy party may try to spike your team-members. So you have to pay a lot more attention than in PvE. Another point is that you need protection because monks are melees' favourite targets.
So I think playing a healer in PvP is a lot more exciting and if you ever played healer in PvP, PvE will seem quite boring to you.

Is it a good decision for students to go abroad for a year?

Many students want to go abroad in the 11th grade. Often they choose countries which are far away in order to meet people with a different way of life. Nevertheless there aren’t only positive aspects to go away. Some problems could come up which should be regarded seriously:

Firstly, you can not expect to find a host familiy with similar habits to your familiy. Actually it often happens that host familiy and student don’t fit together and real problems could come up. E.g. a friend of mine who spends a year in the USA had to change her host familiy two times.

Secondly German students miss a whole school year, so they often have to repeat the grade when they come back.

Finally, in other countries there’s often a different school system so it can be hard to manage school with other focuses, in addition to the foreign language, you have to cope with, too.

But many students manage to spend a year abroad so there are also a lot of positive aspects:

That means that it’s always good to get to know a different culture. Abroad you have to manage your life alone and solve all problmes on your own. These experiences prepare you for your later life so this definitely improves your skills an self- considence.

But the most important reason to go away is to improve the foreign language that you can speak it fluently after a year.

These are the reasons why the most students choose the USA: it’s far away from home and its language is spoken world wide.

In my opinion everybody who considers to go away should absolutely do it, because it’s an important and good experience.

by Alissa T.

Is the Death Penalty racist?

New researches show that the probability to receive the death penalty if someone is black or hispanic is clearly increased.

For example the percentage of blacks from all the people send to death was 43 %. But in comparision with the population they form just 13 %.

So now we have to ask if there is still racism in the courts.

I think this is a difficult question because we have to make a difference between the single states and different reasons for this phenomenon. At first I want to mention that there is more poorness within the black part of population and that the crime rate is also higher compared to the rest. But this alone canŽt be the reason for the cause that almost half of the people send to death in 2004 were black.

So another reason could be that for example in texas courts dismissed black jorors in causes with black defendants although it is written in the law that the color of juror and defendants have to match at least by half the jurors.

So I think in some parts of the USA is still a type of subliminal racism.

by Julius

Gold Rush Today – Salesman’s profit, Nature’s disprofit

In human’s history gold trade always was a good stroke of business. And today the demand for gold is pretty high, too.
It’s mainly needed for producing jewellery (at this time 2400 tons) for the West and particularly for India, which has an old tradition in using gold for its wedding receptions and religious practices. Furthermore many private persons have an investment in gold nuggets (235 tons) and it is processed in several branches of industry (460 tons). Especially the fear of financial crises and the appeal of jewellery itself increases people’s desire for gold.
In 2007 gold amounting to 42 billion euro was traded all over the world; it’s a new record. But where does it come from?
In former times there were 160 kilometre long veins of gold in South Africa and nuggets as big as cherries in California. These times are gone. Today only teeny-weeny nuggets can be found. But also if you search a lot, you may find nothing after all. One bad consequence of that is that you leave a big irreparable hole in the earth. And if you find gold in fact you have to dip it into quicksilver which is venomous for people, for animals, for plants and in general for the whole environment. Then the gold-quicksilver-complex must be burned so that only the pure gold is left, mostly a few grams. To dump the used-up quicksilver labourers tilt it into rivers for example.
But why destroy people the environment, our mother earth, for a few grams of gold? They do it because the mined gold isn’t enough for the world’s population. One well-off husband likes to impress his wife with jewellery, someone who collects coins buys a gold coin each year for example, millionaires or share holders want to hedge against inflation and an Indian woman gets married, it’s all the same all around the world.
Bosses came to countries like Ghana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia or Peru to make money and destroy the rainforest and rip the indigenous people. They earn approximately 3.9 million euro in one year by selling 200 kilogram gold in this time. But in spite of everything the natives become poor.
In one country of the world people hoard 18 thousand tons of gold, more than the 40-times of the central bank of this state. There is no other country where gold is so strong connected with the culture and no country which has bought circa 20 percent of the world’s bullion market (774 tons) in 2007. It is incredible India where gold is needed for 10 million weddings each year and where the annual average income is about 2100 euro. That’s just the way it is.
Finally there still are two very important facts about gold: 161.000 tons have been raised by now (even enough to fill two Olympic swimming pools) and one gram costs 22.16 euro at the moment. A bright future!


Is it desirable to grow very old?

Most people are preoccupied with their age and are terrified when they notice they are getting old. That is understandable because age does not only bring wisdom and the quiet but it also reminds us of the approaching of our death, altough many people often exaggerate the greatness of this ''problem''. Obviously, there are many advantages and disadvantages of reaching a very old age that we should consider.
First of all, growing very old means getting the chance to be the person that you are for a longer period of time. The longer you live, the more you see of the world. You get to experience more and learn from your mistakes.
This, of course, brings wisdom, for wisdom is not just education or intelligence, but it is actually based on life experience. Old people can pass their ideas and opinions to their children, grandchildren, friends etc. I, personally, know from my own experience that some advice from an old person is almost always good advice.
At this point I have to admit that old people devoutly believe that their opinion is badly needed because it is the right opinion and therefore they always want to be a part of every decision, which sometimes can be annoying and difficult to handle. However, this behavior can also be seen on a great part of young people, so we shouldn't refer to it as to a tic of old people.
Furthermore, a great problem of growing old is the bunch of illnesses that it brings with it. It must be really troublesome and sad to realize that your own body, your home and your companion through the life, is starting to fail at performing it's basic tasks. To me, the worst part is that the body loses it's functionality and becomes a cavity for diseases.
But apart from that, every family wants to spend as much time as possible with it's oldest members.
Living a long life means being able to reach more goals in your life and spend time with your loved ones.
I think that whatever disadvantages old age might cause, life is still a thousand times better than perpetual quiet.


Can you make sure that your child gets the best education by sending him/her to a private school?

Private schools have a lot more activities and provide your child various offers that normal schools don't have. Because the school owns a lot more money then other schools do, it can offer your child better learning conditions in a cleaner and prettier building. The students are able to read newer books, use acceptable toilets and enjoy lots of different activities. An other advantage is that they have the possibiltiy to go on more class trips.
However, teachers at normal schools are as good as private school teachers.Not every familiy can finance school education for its child though. Most private schools dement a high payment from the families of its students. Some do this to scare off students from a lower social class.
All in all it doesn't really matter where you decide to send your child - it's going to learn the same everywhere.

Are school uniforms useful?

Introduction? State the question again, lead your reader to the question.

I think they are not useful. There are some arguments for the school uniform and some against it. First I will write about the arguments for the uniform: School uniforms make the pupils equal and no one will be mobbed because of one’s bad clothes. So you can’t see who is rich and who is not. Also pupils will identify themselves more with their school if they have got school uniforms with the school’s emblem. This will unify the pupils and they’ll have more respect of their school. Now I come to the contra arguments: School uniforms are expensive. Either the school, the state p has to pay or the pupils, their parents p have to pay for them. And here you’ll find the same difference the school uniform wants to cover. Namely p the poor can’t buy uniforms or maybe just one, so if it’s dirty everybody can see that the family is poor. Besides p with the school uniforms the pupils can’t have their own style and that’s part of identify of humans: Their own clothing style. Because of this reasons I’m against school uniforms.

What is the difference between German and American schools?

 I think there is a big difference. In America the students have to go to the teachers’ room that’s the first big difference to Germany, where the teachers have to go to the students’ room. I guess out of this reason the American students behave unlike the German ones. That means when you are in the States in a school you feel during the period like a `visitor´ in class and behave like this. Here in Germany the most students think they can behave like they want to, because they are in their own room. And this is also a reason why the American students seem to be more disciplined during period.

In most of the American schools every student has a locker, where he can put his thing for the school day, so he doesn’t has to run around with his bag pack, like we have to do in Germany. I like this idea, because it is surely healthier for your spine.

In the States you hate to go into primary school at least until 4th grade and at most until 8th grade and then you can go to high school until 12th grade. After this you are 17 or 18 years old and in Germany you are about 19 or 20 years old, if you do the Abitur. Here you have to go till the 4th grade to ‘Grundschule’, after this you can go to three different types of schools; the best is ‘Gymnasium.

If I had to decide where I have to go to school, I think I would prefer the States, because I like the idea of the American school system.    

 By Max Schüßler

A bit on the short side, but nice work overall!